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Photo of students in front of ice cream truck
high school students help at Special Olympics
high school students participate in Special Olympics
students on the yearbook staff during a field trip
students from the personal finance class holding signs
Students dancing at prom
students getting ready to head to Special Olympics
Students participate in NYSSMA

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Stack of digital devices

The NY State Education Department has recognized the need to understand how many families have reliable internet (broadband) and computer devices at home.  School districts are now required to distribute this survey created by NY state to gather this information. Attached is a survey for your child(ren); please complete this to reflect your situation at this time and return back to the school.  The first five questions have been prepopulated. You can send the survey back in with your child and have them return to their teacher or the main office.  If you have any questions, please contact Molly Moore at, or 716-484-1136, option 3.

Read More about Digital Resources Survey for High School Students